Sunday, April 4, 2010

One 'Good Friday'

It was so rare for me to go out on a Good Friday and this one's the first. I planned on having dinner with the one I am seeing right now since I am quite bored in the house. I prepared hours before the meet-up and actually went out an hour before it. I thought I need to smoke so I decided to sit on one of the gutters a few blocks before our meeting place. I saw there 'Manang', she was a cigarette and balut & penoy vendor. It's not uncommon for me to talk to strangers, especially sidewalk vendors, policemen and jeepney drivers. Oftentimes I start the conversation, but this time it was 'Manang'. She started it by warning me that the guy who just passed around is a pick-pocket thief. Well thanks to her I had been warned, so I kept an eye on my belongings. She continued to converse with me. She talked about her recent loss of a child who fell on a building being constructed. She talked about how she just actually managed to have her children get an education despite their status in life. At this point, I thought that I am lucky to have everything I have now. I get to eat three times a day and sometimes more than that. I get to buy some luxurious items once in awhile and get to party once in awhile.

I was inspired by 'Manang' and I promised myself after our conversation that I'll get back to the place and offer some help. While I was walking away from her, I thought she was an angel sent from above to remind me that I can change the way I am living my life right now..

Now, I know this may be hard, but "change is on its way.."


  1. a lot of people come and go in our lives..a lot of them are teachers.. who are just simply passerby's in our lives..some are strangers but they give impact to your life..this time its simply manang. im glad both of your paths crossed.

  2. change is always on the move...
    we just need to recognize it and/or them...

  3. @rico yeah im glad our paths crossed.. :)

    @ens i agree ens! thanks! :)

  4. it's amazing how it all works, isn't it. you meet random people and learn from them, and sometimes they teach the crucial ones--things that you usually forget or yet to know.

    nice blog. i like the layout. looking forward for your new posts :) peace out!

  5. change can be bad or good. make sure this one's a good one. i'm glad you've had good realizations lately. i've had some myself and i just need to put some actions along with my thoughts.

    good luck :) i've added you on my "blog attack" list :D

  6. @lucas thanks lucas.. :)
    @chikletz thanks chikletz :)

  7. I didn't realize there were establishments open on Good Friday. Anyway, it was too damn hot, so I opted to just stay at home.

    Opportunity for change is always lurking around the corner. It's up to us if we can muster enough courage to go for it. Sometimes, all we need is a little push from others, strangers, even.

  8. @shattershards yup specially in areas near call centers the establishments are open. :)


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